Childs Personalised 3D Name Sign
The overall size will vary depending on the font and how many Characters in your childs name, but we will do our best to get it as close to 12 inches long as we can. The height will be less the more characters though unfortunately there is no getting around that.
These are suitable for both boy and girls and can be created using a variety of fonts which we are adding to regularly, please make your choices with regards the font, the icon / motif and add your chosen name to the text box and we will tailor make your sign for you.
These are created from scratch and can take some work to get right, we move, alter the depth and adapt the fonts as necessary to achieve the best overall look we can. This product is totally unique and crafted by us at CraftyBunny.
Reasons to buy:
Easy Installation
High Quality PLA Filament
Produced in the UK
Unique Design
Great customer support!
In the Box:
1x Name Sign
The main plaque is approx 250mm - 290mm x 10mm x Height is variable.